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June 14, 1999
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Tonyvtoons Bio

Tonyvtoons (born June 14, 1999 in Texas, United States) is a YouTube Star and animator, best known for creating the animations of popular gaming streamers and YouTubers like PewDiePie and the Game Grumps. He is also known for creating musical scores and playing games on another gaming channel called Polarwhal.

In 2008, Tonyvtoons began posting his animations on his TonyvToons X channel. He restructured the channel in 2013 and created a new channel which he called TonyvToons. One of his most popular videos on the channel earned more than 3 million views in less than a year. To improve his views and reach a wider audience, he also collaborates with other creators. He has worked with Alex Clark and Jaiden Animations on a few videos.

Tonyvtoons’ brother Brian has contributed to his gaming channel. Besides gaming, Tony is also a part-time singer and musician. He released an EP titled "I Am" in October 2018 and his debut album "Human" in 2020. He also has a music channel named "Tony22".

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