Hayden Summerall




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April 4, 2005
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Hayden Summerall Bio

Hayden Summerall is an American actor, singer, and internet personality known for his work in film, television, and pop music. He was born in Dallas, Texas, United States, on April 4, 2005. Hayden began his acting career in 2015 when he appeared in the TV series Sneaky Pete, and he has since starred in the films Chicken Girls: The Movie, Next Level, To the Beat!: Back 2 School, and Keep Moving. He is best known for starring in the comedy-drama series Chicken Girls alongside Hayley LeBlanc, Jules LeBlanc, Aliyah Moulden, Madison Lewis, and Indiana Massara. As a musical artist, Hayden has released the hit singles Little Do You Know, Smiles For You, Different, and Admit It. Hayden has amassed a large following on Instagram where he shares lifestyle and fashion content.

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