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Kaina Bio

Kaina Castillo, professionally known as Kaina, is an American singer and songwriter renowned for her captivating blend of soul, pop, and alternative R&B music.

Bursting onto the scene in 2016 with her debut studio project, the EP "Sweet Asl," Kaina swiftly captured attention with her mesmerizing vocals and innovative soundscapes. Several tracks from the EP garnered millions of streams, propelling her into the forefront of the alternative R&B scene. Continuing to enchant audiences with her evocative melodies and poignant lyrics, Kaina has since released hit singles such as "Could Be a Curse," "La Luna," "Apple," and "Honey." Her artistic evolution culminated in the creation of critically acclaimed albums like "Next to The Sun" and "It Was Home," where she collaborated with esteemed artists including Sen Morimoto and Sleater-Kinney. With a distinctive musical style that resonates with audiences worldwide, Kaina continues to solidify her position as a trailblazer in contemporary music.

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