Yasmin Sewell




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January 22, 1976
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Yasmin Sewell Bio

Yasmin Sewell is an Australian born on 22nd January 1976. She is known for being a Fashion Consultant with 196 k Instagram followers. Yasmin left school at 15 years old and moved to London when she was 19. She was desperate to get into fashion and got a job as a window dresser at Browns. At that time beautiful high Fashion stores meant snobby service and something clicked in her. She wanted to create a place where people can feel great. This all gave birth to Yasmine Cho, her first store. She is a designer for Être Cécile and has her own consultancy business and a showroom. She has often been the subject of interest of the Magazine Vogue (Vogue Australia - 2017, Vogue Uk- 2013 & 2021). Yasmin has been supporting Christopher Kanein in 2006 and J. W Anderson in 2009 by displaying their creations.

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