Valery Leontiev




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March 19, 1949
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Valery Leontiev Bio

Valery Yakovlevich Leontiev is a Russian singer, songwriter. And actor best known for his extensive career as a pop-rock musical artist. He was born in Ust-Usa, Russia, on March 19, 1949. Valery began his music career in 1972, and he released his debut studio project Muse in 1983. His discography includes the singles Dance Time in the Sun, Senorita Grace, White Crow, and the studio projects On the Road to Hollywood, Everyone Wants to Love, The Years of Wandering, and This Is Love. As an actor, Valery has acted in the films Ne khodite, devki, zamuzh, Na chuzhom prazdnike, and Starye pesni o glavnom 3, but he is best known for starring in the film Ekstrasens alongside Stanislav Terentyev, Natalya Boldyreva, Sergey Yurskiy, and Aleksey Ingelevich. For his contribution to the music scene in Russia, Valery has received the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, the Order of Honor, and the Order of Friendship.

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