Batista Gale, also known as Batista Godkin, is an Australian digital content creator, fitness trainer, and social media personality best known for his lifestyle, fitness, and fashion content.
Batista has amassed his largest following on TikTok where he regularly creates video shorts, but he also shares content on Instagram.
Batista occasionally collaborates with Sabrina Jane Watts on their YouTube channel, where they vlog about their daily lives and share fitness and lifestyle tips. Some of the most popular videos on their YouTube channel are Tasting Soul Food & Filipino Food Part I, Q&A (Dropping All The Tea), Sabrina's Turn - Tasting Island Food, and My Man Does My Makeup & Outfit.
Apart from his social media presence, Batista is a certified fitness trainer who has worked with a variety of clients, including athletes and celebrities. He is passionate about helping people achieve their fitness goals and maintains an active and healthy lifestyle himself.
Digital, Digital Influencers, Models
Beauty, Digital, Digital Influencers, Lifestyle
Digital, Fitness
Digital, Digital Influencers