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Sabella Bio

Sabella is a singer and songwriter who performs pop music.

She initiated her musical journey in 2015 with the launch of her debut single, "Loving Like This." However, it was in 2017 that she truly etched her name into the industry's consciousness with the release of her chart-topping single, "Fortress," amassing millions of plays on various streaming platforms. The undeniable success of the track led to remixes by acclaimed artists like Savoir Adore and Blinkie, further solidifying Sabella's position as a rising star.

Building on her early triumphs, Sabella has expanded her discography to include compelling singles such as "Made It Right," "Missing," and "Falling Without Feeling." Her music resonates with audiences through its catchy melodies and poignant lyrics, showcasing her versatility as an artist. With a distinctive voice and a penchant for crafting infectious pop anthems, Sabella continues to captivate audiences globally.

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