Kayla Ann Drwal, popularly known as PurpleStars02, is a prominent American digital content creator and social media influencer renowned for her captivating lifestyle, fashion, travel, DIY, and shopping content. She was born in Pennsylvania, United States, on January 21, 1999.
Venturing into the dynamic realm of YouTube in 2013, Kayla swiftly garnered a substantial following, captivating audiences with her infectious energy and engaging content. Initially recognized for her delightful mini vlogs, Kayla's channel has undergone a remarkable evolution, expanding to encompass an array of captivating topics spanning lifestyle, fashion, travel, DIY, and shopping, captivating a diverse and dedicated audience. Beyond YouTube, Kayla extends her influence across Instagram and TikTok, where she continues to captivate audiences with her compelling content, amassing a significant following on both platforms.
Some of the most popular videos on her YouTube channel are ORGANIZE MY FIDGET COLLECTION WITH ME, Ultimate Pink, and Trading Fidgets.
Digital, Digital Influencers, Music
Digital, Digital Influencers
Digital, Digital Influencers
Digital, Digital Influencers