Memology 101




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August 6, 1992
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Memology 101 Bio

Memology 101 is the online alias of Honduran-American YouTuber Antonio Chavez, who was born on August 6, 1992 in Honduras. In addition to providing commentary videos that are critical of the left, he also covers news regarding the gaming industry and popular topics that are currently trending. Antonio began his YouTube career by hosting a gameplay channel in which he portrayed a variety of Mugen characters. In addition to that, he uploaded some comedic sketches; however, they were written in Spanish since that is his first language. His popularity increased after PewDiePie left a comment on one of his videos, and as a result, Antonio decided to focus on creating commentary content on various YouTubers like Boogie2988. PewDiePie's comment was the catalyst for the popularity increase. He now discusses recent events, the significance of free speech, and the people who are opposed to free speech, as well as criticising those who hold the opposing view.

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