Adanna Nueamaku Duru, known as Adanna Duru, is an American singer, songwriter, model, TV personality, and digital content creator who performs pop music. She was born in Whittier, California, United States, on October 10, 1996.
Adanna began singing at a young age, but she became famous in 2012 when she competed in the third season of the reality series The Voice, which featured CeeLo Green, Christina Aguilera, Blake Shelton, and Adam Levine. In 2015, she also competed in the fourteenth season of the reality series American Idol. Her discography includes the singles POP and Boogie.
As a model, Adanna is best known for starring in the Miss California Teen USA pageant.
Adanna also shares comedy, dance, and lifestyle video shorts on TikTok.
Electronic, Music
Hip-Hop, Music
Music, Pop
Electronic, Music