Alan Hansen




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The companies that Alan Hansen endorses include Walkers and Walkers Tear 'n' Share.

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Products that Alan Hansen has endorsed

Some of the product types that Alan Hansen has endorsed are: Snack Foods.

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Alan Hansen Bio

Alan Hansen is a Scottish former football player and BBC television football pundit. From 1973-1977, Hansen played for Partick Thistle, and from 1977-1991, he played for Liverpool. During his Liverpool career, he won eight championships, two FA Cups, three League Cups, and three European Cups. In 1992, he joined Match of the Day, where he served as a pundit until 2014. During his playing days, Hansen was a formidable defender, and also the first outfield player to win English league titles in three different decades. He also serves as a columnist for the Daily Telegraph,, and the BBC website.

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