Alexander Everett Moffat is an American comedian, writer, and comedian best known for his live comedic sketch acting on the long-running NBC show Saturday Night Live. Alex was born in Chicago, Illinois, United States, on March 25, 1982. He began his career as an improv actor and comedian at iO and the Annoyance Theatre in Chicago. Alex began his acting career in 2015 when he played the role of Ben in the movie Uncle John. He joined the cast of Saturday Night Live and has regularly performed alongside Kate McKinnon, Kenan Thompson, and Pete Davidson. Alex is behind the SNL characters Reed Dodden, The Guy Who Just Bought A Boat, and Terry Fink. He has acted in the movies The Opening Act, Dating and New York, Someone Great, and he lent his voice to the animated movie Ralph Breaks the Internet and the animated series F Is for Family and Heads Will Roll. He was nominated for the Best Actor Award at the Midwest Independent Films.
Actresses, Film and TV
Actors, Film and TV
Actors, Film and TV
Actresses, Film and TV