Alexandra Annette Grant, known as Alexandra Grant, is an esteemed American visual artist recognized for her diverse artistic expressions encompassing painting, drawing, sculpture, video, and various other media. She was born in Ohio, United States, on April 4, 1973.
Grant's distinctive approach involves collaborative endeavors with writers and artists, resulting in engaging works that often encourage participation and evolve over time. In 2007, Grant achieved a significant milestone with her inaugural solo exhibition at the esteemed Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles. Since then, she has established herself as a prominent figure within the realm of visual arts, captivating audiences with her thought-provoking creations. Grant's notable art exhibits include Postscript: Writing After Conceptual Art, These Carnations Defy Language, and Drawn to Language.
In addition to her artistic endeavors, Grant has shared her expertise as an MFA program mentor at Syracuse University and as an adjunct professor at the esteemed Art Center College of Design.
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Digital, Digital Influencers
Beauty, Digital
Digital, Digital Influencers