Andrew Reade, also known as Andy Reade, is a British musical theater singer, composer, and instrumentalist based in Colchester, England. He studied violin, piano, and organ at the Royal College of Music, graduating in 1978. Reade then worked as an assistant musical director for West End plays like “Blondel” and “Les Miserables.” In 1996 he was a musical director for the play “By Jeeves,” and played keyboard for “Starlight Express.” Starting in 2000, he became a vocal coach for the Performers College in Corringham, and Joined Belinda King Creative Productions as a Musical Director. He also performed as a musical director for the 2006 musical “We Will Rock You,” based on the band Queen. Reade has also performed as a musician for the cabaret artist Marti Webb.
Music, Rock
Music, Rock
Music, Pop
Actresses, Film and TV, Music, Pop