Indian actress Bipasha Basu, born 7th January, 1979 in Delhi, jumped from modelling to acting debuting in the film Ajnabee. Her performance scored her the Filmfare Best Female Debut Award, and acted as a springboard for her acting career. Bipasha then appeared in the Telugu film Takkari Donga, but it was her next film Raaz that landed her a Best Actress nomination at the Filmfare Awards. The award nominations and wins didn’t stop there. She also received a Filmfare Best Villain Award nomination for her role in Jism. Her role in Dum Maaro Dum scored her a Stardust Award, while her role in Corporate won her a Best Actress Bollywood Award. Basu also won a best supporting actress award at the Annual Central European Bollywood Awards for her role in Bachna Ae Haseeno.
Actresses, Film and TV
Actresses, Film and TV, Models
Actors, Film and TV
Actors, Film and TV