Bloodywood is an Indian band known for its unique fusion of heavy metal and folk metal music. Formed by Jayant Bhadula, Karan Katiyar, and Raoul Kerr, the band's lineup is completed by touring members Sarthak Pahwa, Roshan Roy, and Vishesh Singh.
Initially, Bloodywood gained popularity as a parody band, uploading metal covers of popular songs on YouTube. However, their exceptional talent and creativity led them to evolve into a force to be reckoned with in the metal scene, composing their own original material.
In 2017, Bloodywood made a significant impact with the release of their debut single, "Punjabi Metal." This marked the beginning of a successful journey that continues to captivate fans worldwide. Their discography boasts a string of hit singles, including "Gaddaar," "Aaj," "Dana-Dan," "Machi Bhasad," "Ari Ari," “Jee Veerey,” “Zanjeero Se,” and their notable album, "Rakshak."
Gospel, Music
Latin, Music
Music, Pop
Latin, Music