Blow is a highly acclaimed French musical group known for its unique blend of electronic and pop music. Formed in Paris, France, the band consists of members Quentin Guglielmi, Thomas Clairice, and Jean-Etienne Maillard.
The group has been active since 2016 and has quickly gained popularity within the music industry due to its distinct sound and catchy lyrics. Blow has released several successful singles, including Fall in Deep, Don’t Wait for Us, and Dancing Waters. These songs have received widespread critical acclaim and have helped to solidify Blow’s place within the music industry. In addition to their singles, the band has also released a full-length album, Vertigo Introduction, which was released in 2019, and the singles You Killed Me on the Moon, Meguro, and Last Sunset, Last Goodbye.
Blow is known for its high-energy live performances and has toured extensively throughout Europe, captivating audiences with its dynamic stage presence and infectious beats.
Music, Rock
Country, Music
Hip-Hop, Music
Music, Rock