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The companies that Cee-Lo endorses include 7up, City Property, City Property ATL Classic and Duracell.

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Some of the things that Cee-Lo likes include Dogs, Fashion, Food and Health.

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Products that Cee-Lo has endorsed

Some of the product types that Cee-Lo has endorsed are: Liquor, Candy and Gum and Hats.

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The charities that Cee-Lo supports include: GreenHouse Foundation.

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The list of Causes that Cee-Lo supports include Fashion and Nature.

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Social Media & Audience

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Cee-Lo Bio

Cee-Lo, or Ceelo Green, (born Thomas DeCarlo Callaway), is an American singer, rapper, songwriter, record producer, actor, and businessman.  Green began as part of hip-hop group, Goodie Mob, as well as half of the soul duo Gnarls Barkley, with Danger Mouse.  The latter group produced the 2006 hit, ‘Crazy,’ which reached No. 1 worldwide.  In 2010, Green’s solo efforts yielded the massive hit, ‘F*ck You,’ which peaked at No. 2 on the US Billboard Hot 100.  Acting credits include The Boondocks (2008), Hotel Transylvania (2012), and Ceelo Green’s the Good Life (2014).  From 2011-2014, Green was a coach on NBC’s The Voice.  After his stint on The Voice, Green toured alongside Lionel Richie for his All the Hits All Night Long Tour.  In 2015, Green released a mixtape featuring performances of variety of television show theme songs entitled, TV on the Radio.  Heart Blanche, his fifth studio album, was released in 2015.

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