Chandler Leighton




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September 5, 1995
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Chandler Leighton Bio

Chandler Leighton (born September 5, 1995, in Los Angeles, California) is an American model and singer who gained recognition after competing in the fourteenth season of "American Idol." She has shown a passion for music from a young age, starting her singing career in elementary school musicals.

She pursued her interest in music by studying audio production at San Francisco State University. Alongside her musical endeavors, Chandler has also made a name for herself in the modeling world, represented by Stars Model Management. Her mother, Melissa, has been a part of her journey, although other family details are not widely known.

Chandler's presence on social media, particularly Instagram, where she has amassed a following of hundreds of thousands, reflects her influence and popularity. Her journey on "American Idol" and her subsequent career in music and modeling showcase her diverse talents and dedication to her crafts.

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