Charlie Weber is an American actor known for his role in 1997’s hit Buffy the Vampire Slayer as the role Ben. Born on 20 September, 1987 in Jefferson City, Missouri, the actor had the birth name Charlie Alan Weber Junior. After graduating high school, Weber moved to New York where he pursued a career as an entertainer, actor, and model, when he landed the role of Ben in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Alongside Gregory Smith, the actor starred in a few episodes of the popular TV series Everwood. He also showed his voice acting skills in the famous video game Battlefield 4; where he was the voice actor for sergeant Dunn, in 2013.
It was the role as Frank Delfino, in the TV series How to Get Away with Murder, in 2014 that really gained the actor his global status. The series aired in 2014 and has won an Emmy as well as being rewarded for numerous other awards.
Actors, Film and TV
Actors, Film and TV
Actresses, Film and TV
Actors, Film and TV, Music, Pop