Chase Chrisley is an American reality TV celebrity best known as a member of the USA Network’s reality TV show “Chrisley Knows Best.” The show focuses on the family of a wealthy Georgia real estate mogul and his wife and children. Chase stars with his mother, father, and four siblings named Savannah, Lindsie, Grayson, and Kyle Chrisley. In the show, Chase is portrayed as having a slight rivalry with his father, and they often have battles of wits.
Aside from appearing in “Chrisley Knows Best,” Chase Chrisley has also appeared in the TV series “The View,” “WWE Raw,” “Today,” “The Real,” and “Wendy: The Wendy Williams Show.” These have all been promotional events for the show. Having lived a good deal of his life on camera so far, Chase has not yet passed any milestones, earned any degrees, won any awards, nor picked a particular direction for the goals in his life; however, as a twenty-two-year-old as of this writing, he has his whole life ahead of him.
Actors, Digital, Digital Influencers, Film and TV
Actors, Film and TV
Actors, Film and TV
Actors, Film and TV