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The companies that Childish Gambino endorses include Gap, Samsung, Ubisoft and Ubisoft Far Cry 4.

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Some of the things that Childish Gambino likes include Basketball, Cooking, Michael Jackson and Prince.

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Products that Childish Gambino has endorsed

Some of the product types that Childish Gambino has endorsed are: Electronics and Communication, Video Games and Clothing.

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The charities that Childish Gambino supports include: Community Connections, Freedom from Religion Foundation and Sweet Relief Musicians Fund.

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The list of Causes that Childish Gambino supports include Adoption, Civil Rights, Fostering and Immigrants.

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Social Media & Audience

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Childish Gambino Bio

Childish Gambino (born Donald Glover) is an entrepreneur, actor, rapper, singer, and comedian who had been twice nominated for Grammy Awards in the categories of Best Rap Album (Because The Internet) and Best Rap Performance (‘3005’).  The multi-faceted talent worked as a writer for NBC’s 30 Rock, for which he received a Writers Guild of America Award nomination in 2009.  Among many roles in television, he is best known in the acting world for his role in NBC’s Community, and has acted in eight films.   and performs with his sketch group Derrick Comedy.  His rap identity is Childish Gambino, under which he released his debut record, Sick Boi,’ and later ‘Poindexter.’  In 2010 he released two mixtapes ‘ I Am Just a Rapper, and I Am Just a Rapper 2.  The release of three albums, Camp, Because The Internet, and STN/MTN/Kauai, the last of which won Best Video Woodie for the mtvU Woodie Awards for his 2015 performance of ‘Sober.’

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