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The companies that Christina Ricci endorses include Lancer Skincare.

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Products that Christina Ricci has endorsed

Some of the product types that Christina Ricci has endorsed are: Skin Care.

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The charities that Christina Ricci supports include: Motion Picture and Television Fund Foundation.

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The list of Causes that Christina Ricci supports include Creative Arts.

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February 12, 1980
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Christina Ricci Bio

Christina Ricci is a California-based actress best known for her role’s as Wednesday Adams in the 1991 ‘Adam’s Family’ and the 1993 sequel, as well as her starring role in the 1995 film, Casper. Ricci made her acting debut in the 1990’s movie, Mermaid. What is unique is how well Ricci made the transition from child actress to adult actress. After her role in Casper, she went on to play parts in 1997’s The Ice Storm, and 1998’s The Opposite of Sex. In 1999 she played the role of gothic princess Katrina Van Tassel in Time Burton’s Sleepy Hollow. She made her Broadway debut in 2009 as Mandy in Time Stands Still.

Christina Ricci has one numerous awards and nominations for her acting. Among these are her 2000 Saturn Award for ‘Best Actress’ in the film Sleeping Hollow, and her 1996 Saturn Award win for ‘Best Performance By A Younger Actor’ in Casper.

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