Dennis Ferrer, formerly known as Aurasfere, Jax, Lost Tribes of Ibadan, and The Son Of Raw, is an American music producer, DJ, and record label owner who produces dance and house music. He was born in New York City, New York, United States, on December 26, 1970. He became famous in the early 2000s when his music started to gain international recognition. He has performed at numerous international events including Elrow in London, In Door Gijon in Spain, Winter Madness in Tel Aviv, Beatgate in Istanbul, Soul tech Festival in Mexico, and The BPM Festival in Dubai. His discography includes the hit singles Hey Hey, How Do I Let Go, a remix of The Cure & The Cause by Fish Go Deep and Tracey K, Whisper with James Yuill, and the album The World As I See It.
Music, Pop
Music, Writer
Music, Rock
Electronic, Music