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Some of the things that Ellen Pompeo likes include Farming.

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The charities that Ellen Pompeo supports include: Alliance For Children's Rights, American Cancer Society and Hillsides.

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The list of Causes that Ellen Pompeo supports include Abuse, Cancer, Children and Health.

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November 10, 1969
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Ellen Pompeo Bio

Actress Ellen Kathleen Pompeo, born November 10th 1969 in Everett, Massachusetts, is best known for her role as Meredith Grey in Grey’s Anatomy. Pompeo was discovered by an agent who offered her an opportunity to appear in an advertisement campaign for L’Oreal. Ellen jumped into acting, appearing in Coming Soon, Law & Order, Catch Me If You Can, Daredevil, Art Heist, Friends, and Life of the Party. By far her greatest success is her role as the lead in the hit medical drama, Grey’s Anatomy, which she has appeared in for over 15 years. Pompeo also made small appearances on the Grey Anatomy spin-off, Station 19. Pompeo expanded from simply acting on the hit show, producing and directing for Grey’s Anatomy, and is a co-executive producer for Station 19. Ellen also made an appearance in Taylor Swift’s Bad Blood music video.

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