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The companies that Emily Blunt endorses include IWC Schaffhausen and Yves Saint Laurent.

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Some of the things that Emily Blunt likes include Cosmetics and Makeup, Fashion, Hair Styling and Hats.

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Products that Emily Blunt has endorsed

Some of the product types that Emily Blunt has endorsed are: Luxury Goods and Watches.

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The charities that Emily Blunt supports include: Family Reach and UNICEF.

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The list of Causes that Emily Blunt supports include Cancer, Children, Education and Family/Parent Support.

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Social Media & Audience

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February 23, 1983
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Emily Blunt Bio

Actress Emily Olivia Leah Blunt, born February 23rd 1983 in London, made her debut on the London stage in The Royal Family, opposite Dame Judi Dench. Blunt appeared in Foyle’s War, Agatha Christie: Poirot, Empire, and The Strange Case of Sherlock Holmes & Arthur Conan Doyle. Blunt dazzled audiences in The Devil Wears Prada, alongside Meryl Streep and Anne Hathaway. Her performance earned her nominations for a BAFTA and a Golden Globe. Emily has captivated audiences in a string of hits, winning a Golden Globe for her performance in Gideon’s Daughter, scoring Golden Globe nominations for her performances in The Young Victoria, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, Into the Woods and Mary Poppins Returns; and earning a BAFTA nomination for her spectacular performance in The Girl on the Train. Other notable performances by Blunt include Sicario, The Adjustment Bureau, Edge of Tomorrow, and A Quiet Place.

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