Exile, originally titled The Exiles, is an American band hailing from Kentucky. Founded by guitarist JP Pennington In 1963, the band currently consists of Pennington and Les Taylor, Sonny LeMaire, Marlon Hargis, and Steve Goetzman. Forming the band as high school students, the band’s debut album Exile was a success.
Releasing over twelve studio albums over the years, their latest albums, Hang On to Your Heart, Shelter from the Night, Still Standing and Justice, all well received albums. Some of the bands number one hits include, Kiss You All Over, Woke Up In Love, I Can’t Get Close Enough, I Could Get Used to You and many more. Moving effortlessly between country rock and the soft rock genre’s the band has seen considerable success thus far.
Music, Rock
Music, R&B
Music, Rock
Music, Pop