Comprised of seven individuals, the band Family & Friends was formed in April 2013. Their music genre revolves on indie-folk-rock. Their concept or idea in forming the band is “Good People, Good Music.” The group originated from Athens, Georgia. Their musical balance despite being comprised of varying individuals contributes to the magic it offers to the listening audience.
As an emerging band, Family & Friends was able to deliver live shows that make people excited and alive. They are noted for having drummers who stand all the time. Their use of instruments proves their mastery in their musicality.
Family and Friends contact information is available for you to look at. We have Family and Friends’s manager information, along with their booking agents info as well. If you want the Family and Friends email address for their management team, or booking agency, we have that available for you to view by signing up. You can find the Family and Friends booking info and booking price here.
Music, Rock
Music, Pop
Music, Rock
Country, Music