Adrea, Haven & Koti Garza, known collectively as the Garza Crew, are an American family known for their engaging and entertaining content on social media. The Garza Crew has gained a massive following on TikTok, where they share their lifestyle, family, fashion, and fun activity content. They also share their content on other platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.
The family's content is centered around their daily lives, and they use their platform to showcase their close-knit family dynamic, sharing their family values and experiences with their followers. The Garza Crew's content resonates with its audience, and they have amassed a loyal following across social media.
Some of the most popular videos on their YouTube channel are The Garza’s Go To Great Wolf Lodge, Haven and Koti Start Pre-K, Haven’s HipHop Routine - Star Quest 2023, and Haven does Koti’s Make-Up.
Actors, Digital, Digital Influencers, Film and TV, Lifestyle, Sports, TV Personality, WWE
Digital, Gaming
Digital, Gaming
Digital, Digital Influencers