Giolì & Assia




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Giolì & Assia Bio

Giolì & Assia is an Italian electro-pop duo composed of producer Giorgia “Giolì” Lipari and singer Assia Nania. Their music blends the styles of techno, house, indie, and pop. Giorgia plays the piano, drums, guitar, cello, and Assia sings and plays the guitar. The duo was formed in 2016. Two years later, they released two albums - debut album, Istantanee, with lead single Starry Nights and Night Experience, with lead single Mad in Love, on their label Diesis Records. In April 2019, Giolì & Assia launched a series of unique performances called #DiesisLive where they performed on top of a live volcano in the Aeolian Islands, the Andromeda Theater, Etna Volcano, and Isola Delle Femmine, in their hometown of Palermo, Italy. On June 4, 2021, the duo released their debut EP Moon Faces via Ultra Records. The EP includes five tunes: Lost, Your Lullaby, Rollercoaster, Hands On Me, and For You.

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