Girls’ Generation is a South Korean girl group also known as SNSD. It is composed of eight women: Taeyeon, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona, and Seohyun with one previous member called Jessica. They are the only girl group to ever have won the Golden Disc award for the Album fo the Year in 2010 with their album, ‘Oh!’. Their debut hit was called ‘Into the New World’ and their first major call to fame was from their track ‘Gee’. Their following singles were also a local success. The group has also been a hit in Japan and in the english k-pop music scene, and won an award for the Video of the Year in the YouTube Music Awards. This is also the first group of Asian women that have more than five videos with over 100 million views each on YouTube with “Gee”, “I Got a Boy”, “The Boys”, “Mr. Taxi”, and “Oh!”.
Music, Rock
Music, Rock
Music, Pop
Music, Rock