Guille Ortega, also known as Divya, is a well-known TikTok star who was born in San Luis, Argentina, on November 7, 2002. On her TikTok account, she presently has over 3 million online followers where she uploads funny, lip-synching, and popular dancing videos. Guille Ortega has a large following on Instagram, in addition to the lip-syncing app. Guille Ortega has worked on several ads due to her enormous popularity on social media. In addition to being a prominent influencer in Argentina, Guille Ortega is a frequent contributor to her own YouTube channel, where she publishes Q&As, fashion hauls, and beauty vlogs. Additionally, she belongs to the social group Los 8 de Gira and had sung Alvaro Soler's "La Cintura." at the Statue of Liberty.
Digital, Digital Influencers
Digital, Lifestyle
Digital, Digital Influencers
Digital, Fashion, Models