Hatsune Miku was the first synthetic voice program (also known as a vocaloid) to become a superstar. Hatsune’s voice was sampled from Saki Fujita (an actress) and it was first released in August 2007. Miku was created and distributed by Japan’s Crypton Future Media company and the name means the first sound of the future in Japanese.
Tracks by Supercell, Absorb and Livetune have used Miku’s vocals, and that’s not including the over 100,000 released songs that Miku starred in. Exit Tunes Presents Vocalogenesis feat. Hatsune Miku (which is a compilation featuring her voice), became the first vocaloid album to top the charts when it debuted in May 2010. Miku’s voice was also used on the original Nyan Cat song which was uploaded in Niconico in July of the same year.
Miku appeared in multiple concerts as a projection on a screen and has performed with live bands on many occasions.
Hip-Hop, Music
Music, Pop
Music, Rock
Electronic, Music, Music Producers