Hema Malini, a renowned Indian film actress, was born on October 16, 1948, into a Tamil-Indian family. She made her acting debut in Hindi cinema with the film Sapno Ka Saudagar in 1968 after making her acting debut as a dancer in the Tamil film Idhu Sathiyam in 1962. From the 1970s through 1990, Hema Malini was one of Bollywood's most well-liked and well-paid actresses. Among her various talents, she has worked as a producer, dancer, director, and politician. After the enormous success of her film Dream Girl, Hema earned the nickname "Dream Girl." In 1972, she was nominated for and took home eleven Filmfare Awards for Best Actress. She received the Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award in 2000. In 2000, she received the Padma Shri award from the Indian government.
Film and TV, Movie Directors
Actresses, Film and TV
Film and TV, Movie Directors
Actresses, Film and TV