In Real Life is an American boy band, formed in 2017 on the reality television show Boy Band, the members of the band were formed as the final five vocalists, chosen by the judges including, Emma Bunton, Timbaland, Rita Ora and Nick Carter. The members of the group include: Michal Conor, born on June 7th 1999, Sergio Calderon, born on October the 6th 2000, Drew Ramos, born October 23rd 1997, Chance Perez, born on the 10th of November 1997 and Brady Tutton, born on the 7th of December 2001.
Signing to Hollywood records, the group has played live for Jimmy Kimmel Live, Good Morning America and Live with Kelly and Ryan. Some of their hit singles include Eyes Closed, I’ll be Home For Christmas and Tattoo (How ‘Bout You) and most recently, Tonight Belongs to You.
Music, Reggae
Music, Rock
Music, Rock
Electronic, Music, Pop, Rock