Jessica Elizabeth Stam, professionally known as Jessica Stam, is a distinguished Canadian model and actress, renowned for her remarkable contributions to the fashion industry. She was born in Kincardine, Ontario, Canada, on April 23, 1986.
Her illustrious journey commenced in 2002 when she clinched victory at the Los Angeles Model Look contest, catapulting her into the world of modeling. Over the ensuing years, Stam evolved into a luminary on fashion runways, captivating audiences with her striking presence and effortless elegance. Her prolific career is marked by collaborations with esteemed brands such as Chanel, Christian Dior, Givenchy, and Jean Paul Gaultier, solidifying her status as a true icon of haute couture.
Beyond her modeling achievements, Stam has ventured into the realm of acting, demonstrating her versatility and talent. Notable short films in which she has starred include "Agent Orange," "Reason," and "Burning Bright," the latter also featuring fellow models Elsa Hosk and Chanel Iman.
Film and TV, TV Personality
Actresses, Film and TV, Models
Actors, Film and TV
Actresses, Film and TV