Joaquin Phoenix



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Some of the things that Joaquin Phoenix likes include Cats and Motorcycles.

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The charities that Joaquin Phoenix supports include: 4REAL Foundation, American Association of Retired Persons, American Foundation for AIDS Research (amFAR) and American Red Cross.

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The list of Causes that Joaquin Phoenix supports include Addiction, Adoption, AIDS & HIV and Animal Cruelty.

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October 28, 1974
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Joaquin Phoenix Bio

Joaquin Phoenix was born on October 28, 1974 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. He starred in television shows as a child actor under the name Leaf Phoenix. He acted in the television version of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers in 1982 and Parenthood in 1989. He later starred in To Die For during his career resurgence, famously playing the Roman emperor Commodus in the 2000 film Gladiator alongside Russell Crowe. Phoenix received a variety of awards for his role, including nominations for BAFTA and Golden Globes.

He later starred in the film Quills, which earned Phoenix more acclaim. He starred in the science fiction thriller Signs before receiving worldwide acclaim for his role in Walk the Line in 2005. He received an Academy Award nomination, among others, and won a Golden Globe for the work. After taking a break from acting, he returned to star in The Master, Her, The Immigrant and Irrational Man.

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