Kavinsky is a fictional character created by the French composer Vincent Belorgey as a musical character to present his first two electro EPs “Teddy Boy” (2006) and “1986” (2007). Belorgey started producing electronic music while collaborating with Quentin Dupleux, also known as Mr. Oizo. In 2006 the artist signed a contract with the label Record Makers to release “Teddy Boy”, and by 2007 he was touring with french electro-indie icons like Justice and Daft Punk. A third EP titled “Blazer” went out in 2008 with the label Fool’s Gold, and three years later one of Belorgey’s tracks was included in the soundtrack of the action drama film “Drive”, starred by Ryan Gosling. In 2013, the artist followed up with “Outrun”, his first full-length album, based on video game tunes.
Electronic, Music
Music, Rock
Country, Music
Gospel, Music