The Canadian Singer/Songwriter Leif Vollebekk is an autodidact musician. He learned to play his grandfather's instruments: Harmonica, guitar, piano, and an old fiddle. He was born in Ottawa in Canada in 1985. Since the very beginning of his career has had the chance to share the stage with artists like Patrick Watson, Cœur de Pirate, Beth Orton and to participate in the Newport Folk Festival. In his debut he released Inland (2010), North Americana was out in 2013, and the long-awaited full-length Twin Solitude in 2017. The artist is known for his melancholic and somber pop songs on themes like adventure, long-lost love, and yearning. During his adolescence, he discovered a connection with writing and listened to Neil Young, Bob Dylan, and Lou Reed. Leif Vollebekk's latest release is 'Hot Tears' (2019).
Music, Pop
Hip-Hop, Latin, Music
Hip-Hop, Music, R&B
Latin, Music