Los Primos del Este




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Some of the things that Los Primos del Este likes include Guitar, Hats, Horses and Jewelry.

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Los Primos del Este Bio

Los Primos del Este is a band with five men. Los Primos del Este comes from Mexico. The band has appeared on channels Rancho Humilde and the Z Music Group. This band has more than 435k monthly listeners on Spotify, they are also ranked as number 412 by Mexico Artist’s Chart. Vincente Fernandez and Juan Gabriel are some of Mexico’s other top artists.

One can find their songs on the YouTube channel called Los Primos del Este and listen to their songs along with the other 17.5k subscribers. Most of the videos have over a million views and the songs’ names are: Tu Me Haces Falta, Soy Aquel, Quiero Ser, and Solita Bailando.

They have an Instagram account with the name losprimosdeleste with more than 48k followers, their TikTok account can be found under the same name.

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