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LouCii Bio

LouCii is a renowned music producer and DJ recognized for his dynamic performances in electronic dance music.

With a musical journey beginning at the age of 6 as a keyboardist, he swiftly transitioned into composing, writing, and producing original tracks during his formative years. At the remarkable age of 16, LouCii achieved a significant milestone when his debut original composition aired on FM radio in the Middle East. Pioneering the introduction of EDM to the USA, LouCii established himself as a trailblazer in the industry. Garnering acclaim as the premier DJ in the Washington DC area, he held residencies at prominent venues such as Fifth Column and Zei Club, while also gracing stages at hundreds of clubs both domestically and internationally.

His illustrious discography boasts a collection of hit singles including "Outer Space," "Over The Rainbow," "Like It," "Here We Go," and "Euphoria," solidifying his status as a powerhouse in the EDM scene.

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