The duo known as Mako is made of Alex Seaver and Logan Light. The two were introduced to each other By Logan Light’s father in 2011, which is when they decided to form Mako in Los Angeles, California.
Logan Light studied at Columbia University and later the University of Michigan before graduating in 2011. His ambitions in EDM started almost immediately after and in a few years he was the opening act for major DJs like Avicii and Tiesto.
Alex Seaver, on the other hand, went to The Juilliard School where he studied music. Here he performed with masters of classical music until he graduated. After graduating, he left New York for Los Angeles to work on a film project that Logan’s father was also working on, hence the introduction.
Mako got its first shot at fame with their hit single Beam (2013).The single was remixed and featured by DJs in summer festivals all over the world. They went on to release more singles such as Into The Light (2013), Our Story (2014), and I Won’t Let You Walk Away (2015). In 2016 they released the debut album Hourglass(2016)
Music, Rock
Music, Rock
Hip-Hop, Music, Pop
Hip-Hop, Music