Matthew Thomas Parker, better known as Matt Parker and Stand-up Maths, is an Australian author, comedian, mathematician, and digital content creator best known for his comedy and mathematics content. He was born in Perth, Western Australia, Australia, on December 12, 1980.
Matt joined the YouTube community in 2011 when he began sharing mathematics and comedy content, and he has since amassed a large following on the platform. Some of the most popular videos on his YouTube channel are The Unbeatable Game from the 60s: Dr NIM, How lucky is too lucky?: The Minecraft Speedrunning Dream Controversy Explained, The Brick Double-Domino Effect Explained, and Stand-up comedy routine about Spreadsheets.
Matt has written the books Humble Pi: When Math Goes Wrong in the Real World and Things to Make and Do in the Fourth Dimension.
Digital, Digital Influencers
Dancer, Digital
Digital, Digital Influencers
Digital, Digital Influencers