Professional film and television actress Meghan Chakraborty is from Kolkata, West Bengal. She moved to Mumbai in 2014 to pursue her interest in the entertainment industry. Her career began in 2014 with the Bengali serial, "Joto Hashi Tato Ranna". She signed the Bengali film "Action", which was released in the same year. Her big break in Hindi TV was "Badii Devrani", which marked an important point in her career. Following that, she was offered pivotal roles in serials like "Khwaabon Ki Zamin Par" and "Peshwa Bajirao".
It was with the serial, "Krishna Chali London" that she amassed a large fan following. She bagged the lead role in "Kaatelal and Sons." In the 2021 film "Desert Tears" she portrayed the character of the protagonist, Gulaal. The film was based on the prosecution of women in the rural parts of Rajasthan. Her first production would be the web show titled "Dil-e-couch" which will premiere on Youtube Channel and she also start her own production company with Sahil Phull, named Mismanaged Company.
Film and TV, TV Personality
Film and TV, TV Personality
Actors, Film and TV
Actresses, Film and TV