Some of the things that Michael Patrick Kelly likes include Animals, Beaches, Cars and Guitar.
The charities that Michael Patrick Kelly supports include: Grootbos Foundation.
The list of Causes that Michael Patrick Kelly supports include Community Development, Conservation, Education and Sports.
Paddy Kelly (Michael Patrick Kelly) was born on December 5, 1977. He is an Irish-American singer, songwriter, and musician. Kelly was born in the Irish city of Dublin.
He rose to prominence as the third-youngest member of the pop and folk band The Kelly Family, which is one of Europe's most commercially successful acts, having sold over 20 million records since the mid-1990s.
After years in the spotlight, Kelly released his debut solo album In Exile and soon after retired to a French convent. In 2011, he returned to the music business after a six-year hiatus. Kelly is currently living in Germany.
Hip-Hop, Music
Music, Rock
Music, Rock
Electronic, Music