Dwyane Thomas Jr., also known as MonoNeon, is an American bassist and experimental musician from Memphis, Tennessee. He is well-known for playing the bass guitar on YouTube and for being one of the last people to work with Prince. Thomas received a Grammy Award for his work on the 2020 NAS studio album King's Disease. Aleatorick and Indeterminacy were two of Thomas' solo albums that were released in 2010. Also in 2010, Thomas contributed bass to the Forest Won and Georgia Anne Muldrow albums Directions and Libra Scale, both of which were recorded by Grammy Award winner Ne-Yo. Thomas joined David Fiuczynski's Planet Microjam in 2012. He also released Down-to-Earth Art as MonoNeon, a solo avant-garde album, in 2012. With Prince and his protege, Judith Hill, MonoNeon started playing bass in 2015.
Music, Pop
Jazz, Music, Pop, R&B
Music, Rock
Music, Pop