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MORRISSON is a rapper born in 1990 in Newham, London, England. He is known for releasing hit singles, which reached the UK Singles charts and top 40 UK R&B Singles Chart. He released music in the genres of British hip hop or UK rap. In 2021, he released a single titled “House & Garage,” which charted at number 46 and featured British rapper and songwriter Aitch. He has also worked with other musical artists like Loski, Sidhu Moose Wala, Steel Banglez, Kelly Kiara, Tion Wayne, Harry James, and others.

In 2020, his single “Brothers,” featuring Jordan, charted at number 47 in the UK Singles charts and number 35 in the UK R&B singles chart. In the same year, his single “Bad Guy,” featuring Loski, reached number 47 in the UK singles charts and number 26 on the UK R&B Singles chart. In 2021, his single “Blama,” featuring Tion Wayne and Steel Banglez, reached number 94 on the UK singles charts.

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