Mother Mother




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Mother Mother Bio

Mother Mother is a Canadian rock band. The band was formed in 2005 in the Canadian city of Quadra Island, Vancouver, and it was integrated by Molly Guldemond and Debra-Jean Creelman in the vocals and keyboards; Ryan Guldemont as singer and guitarist, Jeremy Page in the bass and Ali Saidat in the drums. Their music goes between modern rock, pop, and nostalgic rhythms and catching voices. In 2005, they released their homonym album, produced independently. They went into the top 5 British Columbia bands in 2007. In 2008, they released “O My Heart” which was the last album with Debra-Jean Creelman, who left the band being substituted by Jasmin Parkin in 2009. Their third LP called “Eureka” was released four years later, featuring “The Stand” as the first single. Their fourth album, “The Sticks”, saw the light with the singles “Let's Fall in Love”, and “Bit By Bit”. During the last years of the second decade of the 2000s, Mother Mother released 3 three more albums named “Very Good Bad Thing”, “No Culture”, “Dance and Cry” in 2014, 2017, and 2018 respectively.

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