Nada Surf is an alternative band which was formed in 1993. The band’s members include Matthew Caws, Ira Elliot, Doug Gillard, and Daniel Lorca.
The group released their album High/Low in 1996 and one of their most popular songs from the album was “Popular.” This was followed by the release of The Proximity Effect after two years.
Let Go, Nada Surf’s third album was released in 2002 and this was followed by The Weight Is a Gift in 2005. Other albums released by the group include If I Had a Hi-Fi, Lucky, and The Stars Are Indifferent to Astronomy. The latest album from the band is You Know Who You Are, a 10-track album which includes the songs “Believe You’re Mine,” “Out of the Dark,” and “Cold to See Clear.”
Music, Pop
Music, Pop
Music, Pop
Music, Pop