Orbital is an English electronic duo formed back in 1989 in Kent, England. The duo was created by the brothers Phill and Paul Hartnoll, being most famous for their live improvisations. They released their debut single named Chime in 1989. After the single, several EPs were released to what their debut self-titled album followed. In 1992, Orbital released the Radiccio EP which was charted among the UK Top 40. The duo’s popularity increased with their second self-titled album in 1993. In 1994, Orbital was awarded the NME award for Vibes Best Dance Act and they released their third album. They have recorded multiple soundtracks and singles until 2004 when the duo decided to split up with both brothers perusing solo careers. In 2008, Orbital reformed and since then they have released two more studio albums and multiple EPs.
Electronic, Music
Music, Pop
Music, Pop
Electronic, Music